Saturday, November 22, 2014

BR2-04: The Runaway Pancake (Mackinnon, 2006)

"But the pancake didn't want to be eaten. It jumped right out of the pan and rolled out of the door."

There was once a family with seven children. One day, their mother made pancakes for breakfast. But, pancake didn't want to eat! The pancake was runaway. The children, the dog, the rabbit, the duck, the cat, the goat, and the fox run after it. It runaway very hard. Finally, the pancake was eaten by clever pig! The pig cheated the pancake, and ate it. 

I was surprised for this ending. 

Mairi, Mackinnon. (2006). The Runaway Pancake. London, England: Usborne First Reading

[103 words]

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