When they in their room, they listen to music. While listening to music, they read their favorite magazine on sofa. It is relax time. They like it. Some people always listen to rock music. They listen to Western music and Japanese music. They display many CDs of their favorite. For example, they like Puffy, sakanaction, Asian Kung-fu Generation, The Bawdies, Kimura Kaera, Lady Gaga, and so on. Those artists are loved by msny people in the world.
Girls like accessories. They have many pierced earrings. They like to collect its. When they go shopping, they often buy some pierced earrings. It is very important accessories as well as clothes. They choose pierced earrings to fit their clothes. They like pearl accessary. They have some pearl pierces. They bought it their favorite shop.
On their bed, they put some stuffed animals. Children love Nici’s stuffed animal. It is very cute, soft and comfortable. Nici is German company. Many people love Nici. They have Nici’s stuffed animal. hey have rabbit, alliato, bear and so on. Their parents bought them it when they was elementary school student. It became older, but they think it it precious things for them.
Their room is their best relaxing space, but they are not good at clean the room.They often scattered their clothes, magazines, textboooks, cosmetics and so on. They want to eep their room clean. They have to clean everyday.
[320 words]
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