Monday, July 7, 2014

BR1-10: How Elephants lost their wings (Sims, 2008)

"Once upon a time, elephants could fly. They flew everywhere.They flew high into the sky... and down to the ground. They even looped the loop." (p. 3)

This story is about elephants Which had wings, and could fly. I was interested in this book, because I want to know elephant's wing. I wondered how elephants lost their wings. Elephants played a trick so, they made two gods angry. The gods took away their wings. Elephants never flew again.

When I read this book, I was surprised that Elephants had wings. If they didn't make to gods angry, they might have wings at present time. I wonder their body which have wings. If they have wings now, they become the animal which more popular in the zoo. Also, I want to beautiful wings like Elephants!

Lesley, Sims. (2008). How Elephants lost their wings. America: Usborne First Reading

[147 words]

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