"Little Red riding Hood" was first written down by two brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Glimm, about two hundred years ago. The Grimm brothers lived in Germany and liked collecting lots of very grim stories.
Once upon time there was a kind little girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She always wore a bright red cloak with a bright red food. One day, her mother gave her a pot of vegetable soup. She told to her "Take this your grandmother. But remember the rules of the Woods."
Rules of the Woods
1. Keep to the path.
2. Don't talk to wolves.
She thought that she can promise the rules. But, she met a big big wolf when she went to on the way to the house of the grand mother. She talked to the wolf, and she told to wolf that she is on the way to the grandmother's house. The wolf heard it, he went to her grandmother's house. And, he ate her grandmother. I think wolf cannot eat people.
Susanna Davidson. (2006). Little Red Ridding Hood. America: Usborne First Reading
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